Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Zedlyn Rathdor

True Neutral Male Gnome Fighter, Level 2
Played by Adje

Str 14 Dex 10 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 13
HP 13 AC 16 Prime Attributes Strength, Dexterity
Height 3' 8" Weight 70 lbs Age 138 years

Racial Abilities Animal Empathy, Combat Expertise, Darkvision, Enhanced Hearing, Spells
Class Abilities Weapon Specialization (Trident)

Equipment 2 tridents, 10 javelins, chainmail, Potion of Plant Control, Potion of Healing


Biography Zedlyn was born in a small gnomish town in a land far the west of Ember on December 4th. He lived there for the first few years of his life... a short time even by Gnomish standards (about 10 years). One day, after playing outside, he found a mob outside his house who were shouting about a witch. It turns out that Zedlyn's mom, who was a healer, had been accused of witchcraft. The angry mob grabbed her and pulled her out of their home; Zedlyn's dad resisted and was slain. His mom screamed as they beat her to death. The whole time, Zedlyn was hiding behind some trees on the outskirts of their property.

The villagers eventually found Zedlyn as he scavenged through the refuse during the night, trying to find food. They debated on what to do with him, considered killing him, but eventually decided to sell him to a mercenary captain that was passing through their town.

The mercenaries had a headquarters in a coastal trading town. Zedlyn spent his younger days spear fishing as directed by the mercenaries in order to help feed the troops. It was a tough life devoid of caring - a daily fight for survival.

As Zedlyn grew older, he went on numerous campaigns with the mercenaries. He faced many near death situations, which scarred him physically, but just made him tougher mentally as he had already been through enough serious trauma as a child to deal with most anything. Zedlyn became respected by the rest of the mercenary group for his fighting prowess, his direct and logical approach to problems and his tactical abilities.

Eventually, Zedlyn bought his own freedom with the money he had made. He briefly considered becoming a fisherman, but instead decided to become a freelance sell-sword. After many more adventures, he was eventually hired by Arik.

As a mercenary, Zedlyn spent time fighting various common humanoid races. This is why he's fluent in Goblin. He holds none of his peoples' animosity towards them as he was not raised by Gnomes.

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