Thursday, May 29, 2014

Session 29: The Lost City, Part 3

September 20, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Past the eastern door is a short passageway that ends in a tee intersection. There are doors on both the north and south walls. The party creep forward and look down both directions of the tee, but only see another passageway that extends to the north and to the south to the limit of their lantern light.

They listen at the two doors in the passageway; they hear nothing to the south, but they hear faint scuffling sounds to the north. Searching the door for traps, they find nothing, so they decide to burst suddenly into the room, hoping to surprise whatever is inside that is making the noises.

The door is made of heavy stone, so it is difficult to open quickly. The group elect to have Arik take care of this, but he struggles a bit, alerting the creature on the other side of the door before getting it open. Through the door is a smallish room that appears to be a bedroom, containing a desk, a bed, a chest, and various other simple furnishings. Emerging from underneath the bed is a monstrous lizard creature, pale blue in colour and about the size of a man (although quadrupedal). Zedlyn and Arik move forward and attack it, and dispatch it in short order.

With the immediate danger taken care of, the party search the room more thoroughly while Zedlyn stands guard. Adokas searches the creature for poison that he can salvage, but finds nothing. The rest of the party search the room proper, and for the most part it seems empty. There is nothing of interest in the chest, on the desk, etc, so it seems that either the room has already been looted, or whoever once lived here took everything before leaving. They do find one thing of interest, though - underneath the bed is a partially-eaten corpse.

The corpse is of a human, but very pale skinned and fair haired, possibly an albino. It is dressed in an elaborate, brightly-coloured bird costume, including a gold inlaid bird mask. It looks valuable, so the party take it.

Moving on to the southern door, after checking it for traps as well, the party once again burst through, hoping to take any occupants by surprise. The room beyond turns out to be another bedroom, very similar to the previous room, but unoccupied. They search the room, but the only item of interest that they find is a small, wooden holy symbol depicting a balance. It seems to correspond to the balance held by the bearded statue they saw at the top of the pyramid.

Heading to the tee at the end of the hallway, they decide to explore the northern branch. The hallway goes for about fifty feet in this direction, then ends - a dead end, apparently. They search the hallway thoroughly for a secret passage, but discover nothing.

Returning to the tee and heading south, they find that it goes for sixty feet before ending, but unlike the northern passage, it contains two doors on the western wall and a golden statue at the end of the hallway. The statue is of the same bearded man depicted by the statue on the top of the pyramid, again holding a balance and a lightning bolt. They search the statue for secret mechanisms of any sort, but find nothing.

Turning their attention to the two nearby doors, they listen at both, and from beyond each they hear muted conversation. They pick the southernmost of the two doors, and as before, burst into the room in the hopes of surprising the occupants. Inside is a bunkroom containing six beds, and six occupants who are standing around talking to each other. These occupants are men wearing chainmail with blue tabards, each wearing a steel helm with a golden mask that matches the statue outside. They are the right size to be human, but since they are showing no exposed skin, none of the party can say for sure.

The men are taken by surprise, and Zedlyn leaps into the room with his trident drawn, demanding that they drop their weapons. One of the men, evidently the leader, instead steps forward and demands to know who the party are and what they are doing. The man speaks a very strange, barely-intelligible dialect of the Common Tongue, and most of the party cannot really understand him. Similarly, it seems that the men can barely understand the party as well.

After several attempts at communication mediated by Iriellis, eventually both groups become accustomed to the others' manner of speech and are able to basically converse. The men identify themselves as members of the Brotherhood of Gorm - Gorm being the name of the bearded deity depicted in the statues - and the leader identifies himself as Kanadius. The party explain that they are in the area searching for signs of a demon. Upon hearing this, Kanadius responds that his group, too, opposes a demon, and begins explaining their situation to the party.

He explains that he and his brothers come from a city located deep below the pyramid, ruled over by the demon Zargon. Ages ago, his people once lived in the city above and worshipped Gorm, god of war, storms, and justice, Usamigaras, god of healing, messengers, and thieves, and Madarua, goddess of birth, death, and the seasons. However, the water in the city dried up and people were forced to relocate underground, where sources of water still existed. There, they encountered the demon Zargon, who enslaved the people, and still controls most of them today. He keeps the people under control by feeding them various hallucinogenic substances, and most of the worshippers of Zargon can barely distinguish between fantasy and reality any more.

His organization, the Brotherhood of Gorm, seeks to restore the worship of Gorm and break the hold that Zargon has over the people. Evidently, there are corresponding organizations that worship Usamigaras and Madarua, but the three groups cannot agree on most things and do not usually work together. Kanadius asks if any of the party are willing to join the Brotherhood, but only male warriors are allowed to join, and none of the group who qualify are willing to take up worship of Gorm.

Kanadius is reluctant to offer any concrete help to those who are not members of the Brotherhood, and the party are unable to get much more information out of him. He does reveal that the Brotherhood is run by the Grand Master, who can be found in the group's hidden headquarters in the city below, but he is not willing to reveal their exact location. He does, on their request, provide them with a written note explaining to other worshippers of Gorm that they might meet that they are basically trustworthy.

Kanadius having explained that the other nearby door leads to another room occupied by the Brotherhood, the party decide to back off and return to the central room where they fought the fire beetles and explore another path. This time, they take the northernmost of the two western doors. The door leads to a winding passage which they slowly traverse, on the lookout for traps. They find nothing of the sort, but Iriellis notices a concealed door along the southern wall. The group listen at the door and hear a buzzing sound coming from beyond. As usual, they prepare to burst through the door and charge into whatever is beyond.

Arik pulls the door open and reveals the room beyond; it is a mid-sized room that appears mostly empty, apart from a large pile of dust and debris in the center. Flying about the room are seven insectoid, blood-sucking creatures, about two feet long each. Adokas charges in to attack, and in response four of the creatures attack him, with two managing to latch on and start draining his blood. The rest of the party charge into the room and attack as well, except for P'hla and Sharla who stay back with missile weapons. The rest of the creatures target Flossaria.

Eventually, the party manage to dispatch the creatures, with both Flossaria and Adokas taking moderate wounds. The clerics patch both of them up, and the party move on to searching the room. They find two features of interest. First, there is a small hole in one of the corners of the ceiling, from which sunlight is streaming in. This is apparently how the creatures got in. Second, among the pile of dust and debris are four valuable gems, which the group take.

They return to the passageway that they were following, which continues west, turns north, then turns back to the east. At the end of the eastern passage it turns south, but there is also a door on the south wall. They listen at the door but hear nothing. Bursting into the room, they find that it's an ancient storeroom, containing crates of food and bales of cloth. However, all is long decayed to a state of uselessness. The party find nothing of interest in the room, so they exit and continue to the east.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Session 28: The Lost City, Part 2

September 20, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Upon entering the mysterious city, the party split into three groups. Zedlyn and Arik start searching nearby buildings, looking for shards of pottery, metals, or other clues about the city besides the stone that could have survived. Iriellis and Flossaria search for wells or other sources of water, which would extend the amount of time that the party can last before needing to leave. Sharla, Adokas, and P'hla decide to head directly for the pyramid.

Zedlyn and Arik discover a few relics, although most are too old and weathered to provide any specific clues. They note that the vast majority of the metal items they find are made of bronze, rather than iron or steel, another indication that the city is extremely ancient. Zedlyn takes a few bronze knives with him. Iriellis and Flossaria, meanwhile, have no real luck - they find several wells, but all appear to be dry. As they do this, there are using spells to detect evil and detect magic, but neither spell registers anything.

Sharla, Adokas and P'hla head straight for the pyramid, a trip that takes about half an hour. The pyramid itself is a five-level step pyramid, with each level 20 feet in height, for a total of 100 feet. A stone stairway runs up one of the sides to the top level, which is topped by three statues. The three adventurers make their way up the stairs and observe the statues more closely. They are, from left to right, of a strong, bearded man holding a balance in one hand and a lightning bolt in the other; a winged child holding a wand in one hand and a handful of coins in the other; and a beautiful woman holding a sheaf of wheat in one hand and a sword in the other. Each statue is thirty feet tall and made of bronze. No one recognizes any of the three figures depicted.

However, while they are climbing to the top, Adokas notices that, on the level below the statues, one of the massive stone blocks is askew. It seems to be an opening that leads into the pyramid. They decide to gather the rest of the party before exploring any further. Sharla uses a spell to amplify her voice and shouts across the city, calling the rest of the group to meet them at the pyramid.

The rest of the party make their way to the pyramid, and once everyone has arrived, they enter. The first thing they notice is that the "stone block" that is askew is actually no such thing at all; it is a much thinner veneer that appears designed to be opened. The next thing that they notice is the corpse of a hobgoblin several steps into the pyramid, lying on its back with a crossbow bolt embedded in its chest. The corpse appears to be only a few days old.

Carefully searching the area, they find a pressure plate that the hobgoblin must have stepped on, and a hole at the end of the hallway that the bolt must have shot from. The bolt itself is bronze-tipped, much like the other metal implements that Arik and Zedlyn discovered.

The passage continues until it ends in a door; based on the layout of the pyramid, this door would appear to lead into the pyramid proper (whereas the hallway they were just in was underneath the stairway). The door opens by sliding to the side, and Adokas pulls it open, but it appears to be counterweighted in such a way that it will slide shut if left alone. Arik holds the door open while Adokas peers into the room, and Sharla throws around a pair of Dancing Lights so he can see.

The room is forty feet on each wall, and appears to contain nothing more than three bronze cylinders, which are about five feet wide each and run from floor to ceiling. Each has a door set into its front. Adokas checks the area around the door for traps, and once he's satisfied that there are none, he steps in and motions for rest of the party to follow. Zedlyn stays at the door and wedges it open by snapping the haft of one of his javelins into several pieces and wedging them in.

Inside, the party search the room thoroughly, and Iriellis takes note of several features. On the west wall is another crossbow bolt-sized hole, lined up perfectly to hit someone opening one of the doors in the three cylinders. In front of the rightmost cylinder, one of the floorstones is slightly loose and can be pushed up and down.

Zedlyn goes to block the crossbow bolts by holding up a rock to the hole, while Arik opens the rightmost door, being sure to stand away from the loose stone. He opens it and finds that the cylinder is hollow, and contains a ladder that runs both up and down. Up, he can see nothing, but below he sees a faint reddish glow. With the door open, Adokas finds that he is able to push open the loose stone, which reveals a pit down to the same reddish glow. The party surmise that this must be a pit trap, triggered when someone opens the door on the cylinder.

Arik moves on the the middle cylinder, which contains essentially the same thing. He continues to the leftmost cylinder, which is also identical to the first cylinder, but this time, opening the door triggers the trap that Zedlyn is blocking. Not one but four crossbow bolts shoot from the trap; the first is blocked by the rock, but the force knocks it out of Zedlyn's hands, the second goes wide, the third hits Adokas, and the fourth hits Arik. Fortunately, the wounds are only minor.

Arik, Adokas, and Zedlyn decide to climb the left, middle, and right statues, respectively. They climb to the top of the ladders, where they each find a platform full of levers and machinery, along with a voice box in each cylinder. They realize that from inside each cylinder, they can control one of the three statues above the pyramid and speak through its mouth. Flossaria pulls open the door for Iriellis to go watch the statues, and sure enough, when various levers are pulled, the huge bronze statues move their various joints. The party guess that these devices must have been used in religious ceremonies.

Flossaria pulls the door open to let Iriellis back in, but when closing it, she loses her grip and the counterweights slam the door shut. Immediately, the party hear a hissing noise coming from all around. Zedlyn rushes back down the ladder and, with great effort, pulls the door back open; as soon as it opens, the hissing stops. He then wedges is securely open again.

The party decide to use the ladder to descend to the next level of the pyramid. Climbing down, they see that the reddish glow was caused by a pack of Fire Beetles. The group climb down in waves, three at a time, and easily dispatch the giant vermin, taking no wounds. They saw the still-glowing fronds off of each beetle to use as light sources.

Looking around, they find themselves in a room the same size as the one above, with three exits - two doors on the west wall, and one on the east. The room contains various spare parts for the machinery above, a small forge, and two large, covered pots of oil. The party refill several of their empty flasks, but when they try to burn the oil, they find that it is quite impure and burns poorly.

With no particular reason to pick one poor over another, the party head through the eastern door to continue exploring the pyramid.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Session 27: The Lost City, Part 1

September 5, Year 3488 (SE 118)

As the session begins, several days have passed after the party was captured by the Vizier's guards and imprisoned. They are jailed in the higher-security jail located in the military district of Viskha, and each party member is alone in a cell. None can see the others, and there appear to be no obvious opportunities to escape. Notably, Flossaria spends her sixteenth birthday in prison.

Finally, on this day, each party member is approached one-by-one by Lieutenant Hadia, who gets the guard to release each party member and asks him or her to follow her lead and not try anything. One-by-one, she leads each adventurer to a small, private interrogation chamber.

The entire group is reunited - Flossaria and P'hla included. Neither of them has any memory of what happened; each remembers closing her eyes, then waking up in prison, with no memories of anything in between.

Hadia explains that she has gathered them together so that someone can speak with them. she urges them to speak quickly, because she's going against procedure in gathering the group and allowing someone to speak with them. The longer they take, the more trouble that she's in. She then admits their visitor into the room.

A man walks in, and several members of the party recognize him - he's one of the members of the cult of the half-closed eye that they had been spying on. The man confirms his membership in the group, but tells them that he (literally) cannot tell them any details about the group. He also declines to give his name.

He explains that he's come to offer an exchange of services to the party. His group opposes the other cultists, the ones who worship the entity that had possessed Flossaria and P'hla. He confirms that the Vizier himself belongs to the cult, and tells them that the cult has recently recovered a map, showing a location in the desert to the west, and that they are currently preparing an expedition to this location. This is, of course, the map that Sharla found, which was taken from her when the party was captured by the Vizier's men.

Thus, the man presents his offer. His group's numbers are too few to both combat the cult's growing influence in Viskha and stop their expedition to the west. They also don't know the exact location that the enemy is travelling to. But Sharla, having studied the map, does know the location. So, he asks them to travel to the location on the map, find out what the cult is looking for, and stop them from acquiring it. In return, his group will break them out of prison, retrieve their gear, and outfit them for the expedition.

The party don't take much convincing; they are scheduled to be executed soon and have no other way to escape, and they were planning on fighting the cult anyway. However, they are concerned about the demon's ability to influence their dreams, and its existing influence on P'hla and Flossaria. The man explains that his group has two ways to block the being's influence. The first is a magic ring that they possess, which essentially blanks the user's mind, which prevents it from being influenced. However, they only have one such ring.

The second method comes with a cost. His group has knowledge of a ritual which essentially erases the subject's past. All memories of the subject older than about a month are completely destroyed in the minds of all others, and somehow this prevents the demonic entity from affecting the subject. This, of course, means that all of the subject's family and friends will completely forget about him or her - essentially, his or her past life will be completely erased.

The man explains that this is completely optional, except for Flossaria and P'hla, who have already been affected by the creature, and therefore must be closed off against its influence. One of them can use the ring, but the other will have to undergo the ritual.

The man prepares to leave, in order to allow the party to discuss who will undergo the ritual. They point out that they have another method that could protect against the demon's influence - the spell that prevents the subject from dreaming, still held by Varanac at the Mages' College. After they describe what it does, he agrees to retrieve it, since it could be useful to his group as well.

Finally, the man departs and the party are led back to their cells by the guards.

September 6, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The next day, the cultists of the half-closed eye put their plan into action. Several cultists arrive at the prison, and convince the guards to let the adventurers go free. The guards are obviously under some sort of magical compulsion; the reasoning that the cultists give is extremely flimsy and yet the guards seem to accept it unconditionally; not to mention the fact that they are taking orders from the cultists at all. Regardless of how it is done, the compulsion has the desired effect, and soon enough the entire party is let out of the prison. They are reunited with the man who spoke with them yesterday, who is accompanied by several other cultists.

The man, who seems to be the leader of the cultists, warns them that the spell that they used against the guards will most likely last for several more hours, at which point the guards will realize that the prisoners are gone. He leads them to the cult's new hideout (the old one having been discovered) so they can plan their next move.

The cultists return the party's gear, which they successfully retrieved from the prison, and they begin by discussing the memory-erasing ritual. In the end, two party members decide to undergo it: P'hla and Zedlyn, while Flossaria will wear the protective ring. The ritual takes an hour for each participant; while this is happening, Sharla begins studying the scroll of Dreamless Slumber that the cultists obtained from Varanac. When Zedlyn, and an hour later P'hla, exits from the ritual chamber, the ritual appears to have been a complete success. None of the other party members can remember anything about Zedlyn and P'hla from more than a month ago.

By this time, it is approximately noon, and the cultists urge them to leave as soon as possible, but the party has a few more errands to complete around town. Sharla and P'hla head out to purchase the inks and other components that they will need to scribe the Dreamless Slumber spell, while Iriellis writes a personal letter and leaves it at the Temple of Slid.

Finally, the party are ready to leave. The head cultist leads them to the outskirts of Viskha, where they are introduced to their guide - Zaerin, a Desert Elf ranger. She provides them with supplies and appropriate attire, and explains the route that they will take. The first several days will be in the fertile river valley area, so travel will be business as usual. After that, however, the rest of the first week will be through the desert. They'll need to exchange their horses for camels if they wish to continue riding. This first week in the desert should be fairly simple, as it will be in territory that is well known by Zaerin's clan.

The second week will be more dangerous, because it will be through uncharted desert; Zaerin will not know the routes or the locations of oases. They will be carrying enough water for the week of travel, two weeks at their destination, and one week back.

With their route explained, the party head out. The expedition that the demon cultists are planning to send has still not left, so they are ahead, but by how much they cannot say.

September 20, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Two weeks have passed as the party travelled to their destination. Everything has gone as Zaerin said it would. After the first several days, they reached the edge of the desert and traded in their horses for camels at a small trading village. During the second week, Zaerin appeared to lose her way a few times, but managed to recover the correct path and lead them to their destination within the expected time. During this time, both Sharla and P'hla manage to learn and scribe the spell of Dreamless Slumber.

Finally, they see what must be their destination, in the distance. It appears to be a city, dominated by a pyramid built in the center. As they cautiously appreach, they notice two pieces of information - first, the city appears to be largely in ruins, and second, the pyramid does match the one seen by Flossaria and P'hla in their dreams, although there was no city surrounding it in the dreams.

As they reach the outskirts, Zaerin announces that she will stay behind and keep an eye on the camels and the supplies. Iriellis and Flossaria cast spells to detect magic and evil, and the party prepare to enter the city.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Session 26: Viziers Are Always Evil

September 1, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The party, minus Sharla, are escorted to the Viskhan police station, where they are interrogated by Lieutenant Hadia. Since Hadia knows the party and is aware of their current mission, she is much more understanding and accomodating than the guards who captured them. She lets them go, but warns them that she might not be able to smooth things over for them next time. While this is happening, Sharla exits the burned-down building, taking the map that she found with her, and makes her way to the Temple of Kib, hoping that the party will eventually rejoin her.

The party decide that the situation with the cultists is serious enough that they need to communicate this new information to Ayal, and possibly to the Vizier himself. When they arrive at the palace gate, the guard initially doesn't let them in, but Zedlyn manages to intimidate his way past the guard, and they head inside to speak with Ayal.

Ayal is very unhappy with the party, since the kind of chaos they've just caused is exactly what he asked them to avoid. But as they explain the situation to him, he slowly begins to agree with them that this situation with the demon cultists and the dreams is very serious and should be brought directly to the Vizier's attention. He interrogates them thoroughly so that he can pass on their knowledge as completely as possible to the Vizier, and provides them with a sealed note that explains that they are working by the Vizier's orders, which should help them if they get into trouble with the guards again.

While speaking with Ayal, he tells them that he did manage to get in contact with the Mages' College and secure access for the group, so once Ayal heads out to speak with the Vizier, the party head for the college. Since it's getting late in the day, Adokas heads out to his meeting spot where he hopes to meet other worshippers of Theia, leaving Arik, Iriellis, Zedlyn, and Flossaria going the college.

At the college gates, they ask for the battlemage who they spoke with previously, whose name turns out to be Jakaril. Jakaril tells them that he did pass their request onto the rest of the mages, and one mage in particular, a man named Varanac, has apparently discovered something of interest. Flossaria and Arik go to speak with him, while Iriellis and Zedlyn ask around to see if any of the mages can help them track down the source of the dreams.

Upon meeting him, Varanac tells Arik and Flossaria that he did, in fact, find a spell to prevent dreams. He found it in the spellbook of a minor mage who lived about a century ago, who apparently suffered from recurring nightmares and created the spell in order to use on himself. The mage's journal contains a vague description of the nightmares, but they don't seem particularly similar to the dreams that Flossaria and P'hla have been having. Still, the spell should prevent the dreams.

Flossaria asks Varanac to cast the spell immediately, but he doesn't have it prepared. Instead, they agree that he will prepare it first thing the next morning, and come to the Temple of Mung to cast it on her. This means that Flossaria will need to stay awake for a third night in a row in order to avoid the dreams.

Meanwhile, Zedlyn and Iriellis are eventually directed towards Miriel, the most senior diviner at the Mages' College. Miriel, a tiefling woman, tells them that she knows a spell that can determine who is viewing someone's dreams, and another spell that can track down whoever it is. However, neither spell will come cheap - she asks for 400 gold pieces for each spell, and warns them that they aren't 100% effective. If the individual responsible has put up protections against scrying, she way not be able to pierce them. Zedlyn and Iriellis consider the offer, but aren't able to decide if the spells are worth the price.

Once again, no one has come to Adokas' meeting spot, so he leaves and rejoins the rest of the group at the Mages' College. He arrives just as they're leaving, so he rejoins them on their way out. He goes with Arik and Flossaria to the Temple of Mung, where they plan to spend the night trying to keep Flossaria from falling asleep. Zedlyn and Iriellis head to an inn; the Temple of Kib is on the way, so they pass by and check for Sharla. She's still there, so they explain everything that's happened to her, then all three of them continue to the inn to rest for the night.

At the Temple of Mung, Flossaria is having serious trouble staying awake, despite Adokas' constant efforts. Finally, a few hours into the night, she succumbs to her exhaustion and briefly falls asleep. Immediately, she find herself floating in a black void, while the voice from before booms around her. It explains that, since she has neglected to choose a side, it will choose for her. The voice invades her mind and crushes her will; a few seconds later, she awakes, but with the presence in control of her body.

From Adokas' perspective, Flossaria only closed her eyes for a few seconds, but when she requests to step outside, he is immediately suspicious that whatever happened to P'hla is now happening to Flossaria. He refuses to let her out, and goes to wake Arik and decide what to do. The two adventurers come up with a plan. Arik steps out, claiming to needs to relieve himself, but in reality going to speak with the priest on duty and asking him to cast a spell to detect evil. The priest does so, then enters the room, claiming to be merely checking up on the group. The result of the spell is this: Flossaria is strongly radiating evil.

Now certain that something is compelling Flossaria to leave, like P'hla did, Adokas sneak attacks her with a stunning blow, knocking her out long enough for himself, Arik, and the priest to tie her and gag her. While Arik and the priest keep watch, Adokas heads for the inn to gather the rest of the party and decide what to do.

When the rest of the party arrive, they discuss the matter and decide to take Flossaria to the Mages' College, hoping that someone there can help her. They put together a makeshift stretcher for her and carry her to the college.

Arriving at the college gates in the middle of the night, they are surprised to learn that there is a letter waiting for them - apparently, the Vizier sent a messenger with an urgent missive to their last known location, the college. The party read the message, which explains that the Vizier is greatly concerned by the situation, and would like to speak with the party in person, immediately. They decide to send Iriellis and Zedlyn to speak with him, while the rest of the party stay with Flossaria.

Arriving at the palace gates, this time Iriellis and Zedlyn present the letter from the Vizier and are admitted immediately. Rather than the outbuilding they visited before, this time they are led directly to the palace, through the main hall, and into the throne room. There, they meet Lord Jaleer, the Vizier of Viskha, who is seated on a smaller throne set in front of the absent Queen Ilthai's throne. Jaleer is surrounded by a dozen or so of his elite honour guard.

The Vizier confirms the contents of his message, explaining that he would like to personally oversee the investigation into this demonic cult. When Iriellis and Zedlyn explain the current situation with Flossaria, he decides to personally look into it. He commands his steward to fetch his horse, the guards' horses, and horses for Iriellis and Zedlyn as well, and they all ride back to the College of Mages.

At the college, the Vizier and his party are immediately admitted, and brought to a central chamber when Flossaria has been brought. Jaleer orders the mages out of the room so that he may speak with the party in private, and as the mages depart, his guards take up positions around the room.

Once the mages are gone, the Vizier turns to face the party, and immediately declares them under arrest for "murder, demonology, and conspiracy against the city of Viskha". The adventurers, surrounded by a dozen of the city's finest warriors, have no choice but to surrender.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Session 25: Fireballs Really Hurt

September 1, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Arik wakes the rest of the party, and they quickly search the rest of the room, rapidly coming to the conclusion that P'hla is definitely not here anymore. Knowing that she was radiating an aura of evil the previous day, Iriellis casts a spell to detect evil and sweeps it around the area. The spell fails to detect anything of note.

Expecting trouble, the party outfit themselves in their gear and step outside. It is an hour or so after dawn, and everything outside seems normal, so they split up and begin asking nearby bystanders if they've seen P'hla. After about twenty minutes of searching, Arik finally encounters a citizen who claims to have seem her; he points out the direction that she went in.

Arik gathers the rest of the group and they head off in that direction, hoping to find some clue regarding where she is. Iriellis' spell to detect evil is still active, but she doesn't detect anything before it runs out. They travel down the street for about fifteen minutes before Arik stops them and tells them that he recognizes the area. Last night, when he tailed one of the cultists, the man turned out to be keeping an eye on a building not far from where the party currently is.

Decided that this is very unlikely to be a coincidence, the party ask Arik to lead them to the building in question, which he does. He takes them to a particularly run-down section of the slums, to a small dilapidated building with boarded-up windows. Again, they speak with some bystanders, and Iriellis finds an old man who recognizes her description of P'hla. A few silver pieces are enough to convince him to tell her that he saw P'hla, or someone who looks like her, walk into the building that Arik pointed out.

Now convinced that P'hla must be inside, they start planning on how they will get inside the building themselves. Sharla steps forward and knocks on the door, hoping to use her magic to immediately hypnotize whoever answers. Unfortunately, no one answers at all. She tries to open the door, but finds that it's barred.

With no one answering and the door blocked, the party decide to force their way in. Handing the Gauntlets of Ogre Power back and forth, several party members attempt to smash the door open. Finally, Zedlyn succeeds; with the sound of splintering wood, the door flies open. Standing behind it are three figures, ready for a fight!

One of the figures is known to the party - it's Grif, the dwarf who met with Flossaria a few nights ago. He has a battleaxe drawn and is ready to charge. Next to him is a human warrior who the party don't recognize, also ready to fight. Standing behind them is an unexpected sight - a lizardman, but different from the other lizardfolk that the party have encountered. This one is taller, with a more refined manner and appearance than its bestial counterparts, and is wearing elaborate robes.

The party don't have much time to analyze this strange lizardman, as it immediately begins casting a spell the moment the door breaks open. Acting quickly, it unleashes a fireball into the group before any of them have a chance to react; Iriellis is instantly knocked unconscious by the blast and most of the rest of the group are severely injured.

As the party begin to react, Grif and his warrior companion charge forward, and the lizardfolk casts another spell, dropping Adokas to sleep. Zedlyn hurls one of his gnomish grenades before kicking Adokas awake and fleeing with the unconscious Iriellis in his arms, but he fumbles the preparation and the device fails to explode.

The party, realizing that they are outmatched, begin to flee. Before leaving, Sharla tries to conjure an illusion of the floorboards rising up to block pursuit, but the enemies see through it and are unaffected. The lizardfolk mage has time to cast a third spell; this one conjures a web of sticky material that binds Adokas and Sharla, the two party members who hadn't yet managed to flee, preventing them from moving.

Zedlyn continues to flee with Iriellis, but Arik, seeing that Adokas and Sharla are trapped, charges back into the fray in order to buy them time to escape, while Flossaria supports him from a distance with her crossbow. Grif and the other warrior step forward to engage him, while the lizardfolk at the back pelts him with magic missiles. They manage to cut down the human warrior and injure Grif, but Arik cannot withstand the mage's attacks for much longer.

Sharla and Adokas finally free themselves. Adokas hurls a flask of flaming oil at Grif before the party disengage and run away. Grif goes down screaming, and behind them as they flee, they hear Zedlyn's grenade finally explode.

As they run down the street, the last thing that they see before turning a bend is someone dragging Grif out of the burning building - a human (or something similar, like an elf) who they don't recognize and didn't take part in the fight.

After running to a (hopefully) safe distance, the party stop and regroup. Iriellis has awoken from the blast, and she and Flossaria heal the rest of the party as best they can. They're still quite injured, so they decide to retreat to a nearby Temple of Slid. At the temple, Iriellis is healed for free, while the rest of the party pay for the services of the temple's healers.

A few hours later, the party are rested and healed, and they decide to return to the scene of the fight. When they arrive, they see that the building is badly damaged by the fire, and the surrounding building are slightly damaged as well. Nearby bystanders and residents appear to be warily keeping away from them. Iriellis uses another spell to detect evil, and sees nothing. The party conclude that it should be safe to search the building.

There isn't much left of the building itself, due to the fire, but they discover a trapdoor that leads down to a small basement. The basement is very full, with three beds and many boxes and crates stuffed into a small area. One of the beds has several cut ropes lying on top of it, leading the party to guess that P'hla might have been captured and tied up there. Sending Iriellis and Zedlyn upstairs to keep watch, the rest of the party search through the boxes.

Some time passes, and within the half-hour, Zedlyn and Iriellis see a squad of ten city guardsmen approaching the building. They inform the two adventurers that they have been seen fighting within the city, and that they must be taken in for interrogation. Iriellis tries to defend the party's actions, telling the guard captain that they were only looking for their missing friend, and that they were only defending themselves, but the captain isn't swayed. She tries to invoke Ayal, warning the guard captain that he will be very upset if they're taken in, but the captain still isn't swayed. Finally, she brings up their relationship with Lieutenant Hadia, claiming that she will be able to vouch for them. But the captain is still resolved that they must be taken in for questioning.

While this is happening, the rest of the party are downstairs, searching through the boxes. Many contain mundane food and supplies, but a significant number contain ancient-looking religious relics and idols. Unfortunately, most are too worn or damaged to be reliably identified. Soon, they hear the commotion occurring above; Sharla decides to hide, while everyone else decides to go along with the guards.

As Sharla is emptying out a crate to use as a hiding place, she finds, at the very bottom, a map with a location marked in the desert to the west - one that doesn't correspond to any location that she knows. She has no time to study it in detail, though. She hides in the box as the guards come down to take the rest of the party away. They don't notice her hiding spot, and everyone else is led away, leaving Sharla alone in the darkness.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Session 24: Gods and Dreams

August 30, Year 3488 (SE 118)

After finishing their respective tasks, the party regroup near the palace gates to watch the Royal Procession. Everyone comes except Zedlyn, who stays behind at their rented building to keep an eye on the cultists. Adokas passes on the location of the building to the rest of the party when they meet.

It appears that a large portion of the city has come out to watch the procession. The palace gates open, and the procession begins. For the next half-hour, the armies and the important functionaries of Viskha march out of the gates. Apart from the soldiers, the party see many of the city's most important nobles, merchants, and priests, including Iskander and his wife with the other priests of Kilooloogung.

At the end of the procession is Queen Ilthai, her honour guard, and her most important advisors. She is riding a powerful warhorse and wearing elaborate ceremonial armour; Zedlyn reflects that according to common knowledge, she is supposed to be an extremely skilled warrior and gifted general.

As the Queen begins making her way through the city, the crowd follows, and only a few of the party members (Iriellis and Arik, specifically) are able to make their way through the mass of people fast enough to keep up. The Queen travels across Yahn's Market to the city gates, before stopping at a stage to address the people. She asks them to remain strong in the face of years of warfare, reminding them of the increased influence and privilege that the city now enjoys because of their conquests, and assuring them that Cappadarnia will finally fall this year. Before she leaves, she formally passes control of the city itself to Lord Jaleer, her chief vizier. She and the last remaining soldiers exit through the city gates, and they slam shut, ending the procession. The crowds begin to disperse.

Afterwards, the party again split up to pursue different goals. Iriellis asks Arik to meet her at a local cafe to talk. It seems that Queen Ilthai's speech has made her think of her home city, Cappadarnia, and her family there. She asks Arik if he plans to go there, but he says he doesn't intend to go that far south; his next intended destination is Golnuz, the so-called "City of the Gods", known for its extensive temples and devout people. They discuss Iriellis' background, and when she explains that she is a deserter from the Cappadarnian army, that solidifies his decision not to go there - it's a warzone, and Iriellis has a death penalty for desertion having over her. Afterwards, Iriellis goes to a tavern to drown her sorrows.

P'hla and Flossaria travel together to the Temple of Kib, looking for information about the creation of the world. They speak with a priestess there, who tells them the standard story that they already know - that Kib created the world, and all of the creatures upon it, except for certain unnatural creatures that were created later through magic and sorcery. Such creatures are abominations against Kib. They ask if they can study any scriptures, but she can only point them towards the common and publicly available ones; while the temple does have a library of rarer and more valuable writings, they are only for the use of highly-ranking priests. Finally, they ask about the deserts to the east and the west, wondering what the scriptures of Kib say about them. She says that, while most places in the world were given to various creatures, there are certain areas of the world, such as the deserts, that were given to no creatures - they were made inhospitable so that there would be a part of the world that existed only for itself.

The remaining party members (Zedlyn, Adokas, and Sharla) spend the rest of the day keeping an eye on the cultists' building. Although they do occasionally see people going in and out, they aren't yet able to infer any patterns or make any conclusive deductions.

That night, the party gather in their rented room and keep watch throughout the night. Flossaria decides to stay awake all night, worried about what could happpen in her dreams if she goes to sleep. At all times, one other party member is awake as well and keeping watch. They watch the building all night, but observe nothing of interest. It seems that no one is going in or out of the building at night.

August 31, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Flossaria manages to stay awake all night, and the next morning everyone else awakes. Flossaria asks P'hla about her dreams, but P'hla responds that she didn't dream at all, which both relieves and somewhat troubles Flossaria. The party again split up to pursue various aims, with Arik and Adokas staying behind to keep watch on the cultists, and Iriellis too hung over to be of much use.

Zedlyn goes to find a store that sells mining supplies, and convinces the appropriately-named Dwarven proprietor, Axehand Hammerfist, to show him the mining explosives that he keeps in the back room. Although such items are highly regulated, he convinces the dwarf to sell some to him; specifically, he purchases two small Gnomish demolition charges, built for precision rather than raw power, and therefore useful as grenades during a fight.

Flossaria and P'hla again team up to visit a temple; this time, they track down a temple of Yoharneth-Lahai, the God of Dreams. Lahai's temple is a small, run-down building in the docks district, manned by a single elderly priest. They start by asking the priest questions about Lahai, wondering if he could be responsible for their dreams. However, the priest's answers don't seem to match up very well with their experience, as he describes Lahai as a benevolent God who sends dreams to entertain the people or to remind them of past memories. Even nightmares are usually a warning to be heeded, and thus actually a good thing, according the priest.

P'hla decides to explain to him the specifics of the dreams they've been having, while Flossaria leaves the building, as she was explicitly told by Grif not to say anything to anyone. While she's outside, she casts a Detect Evil spell and concentrates on the inside of the building. She detects a faint source of evil, and rushes in to warn P'hla, but when she steps back in, with the spell still active, she realizes that it is emanating from P'hla herself!

By this time, the priest has finished listening to P'hla, and after some initial confusion, he comes to a conclusion as to what the dreams must be. He explains that such dreams could not come from the Gods, and therefore must come from the demons below. Demons, he explains, sometimes send dreams to individuals in the hopes of driving them to commit evil and unholy acts. Flossaria listens to this explanation and is convinced of its correctness, realizing that it isn't some ancient god speaking to her, but rather a demon trying to trick her. The priest teaches the two adventurers a series of mantras to Lahai that should help ward off bad dreams, after which they thank him and depart.

At noon, the party regroup at their room. Flossaria, convinced by the priest of Yoharneth-Lahai that the dreams are lies from a demon, disregards the warning given to her by Grif and shares everything she knows with the party. She then leaves for the temple of Mung in order to inform them as well, and spends the rest of the day praying at the temple. P'hla visits the College of Mages again, but Ayal's message has still not arrived, and she is still not let in.

The rest of the party spend the afternoon keeping watch on the cultists, and by the end of the day they have ascertained some basic patterns. While many of the comings and goings of the cultists seem to be random, there are also several that come and go on a regular schedule. During the afternoon, Adokas, having yet to find any followers of Theia in the city, decides to try the opposite tactic: he posts a public note asking any followers of Theia to meet him in a specific place that evening.

As evening nears, they decide to send Arik to tail one of cultists that leaves the hideout - normally his distinctive appearance would make him a poor choice, but in the dark of night, it shouldn't be an issue. Adokas heads out the the meeting that he'd advertised earlier, Zedlyn wanders the nearby neighbourhood hoping to find anything of interest, and Flossaria prepares for a second night without sleep.

Zedlyn and Adokas return as night falls, both having found nothing of interest, and the party settle down for the night. It is immediately apparent that Flossaria can barely stay awake; only constant interruptions from Zedlyn (and later, Adokas then Arik) keep her awake.

Partway through the night, Arik returns, informing Adokas and Flossaria (the two awake party members at the time) that it appears the cultists are engaging in a vigil of their own - the cultist he followed heading to a building about half an hour away, trading places with another cultist who has already there, and settled in for a long watch.

Arik takes the next watch after Adokas, and it is uneventful. At the end of his watch, he and Flossaria go to wake P'hla for the last watch, only to find that she's not in her bed. A quick search of the area confirms their immediate suspicion: P'hla is gone!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Session 23: Allies and Enemies

August 28, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The party spend the morning finishing up in the town of Barar. In particular, they sell the gold ring that they found and collect the reward promised to them by the town's head merchant. Sharla spends a few final hours with Tamat at the Druid circle and Jalessa at the Temple of Kib.

Once their tasks in Barar are complete, they bid farewell to the town and set out for Viskha, to return the symbol of Kord to Iskander and continue on their quest. They travel for the rest of the day and set up camp for the night at the side of the road.

That evening, P'hla calls the group together for a meeting. She explains to them that she has been having very strange, vivid, recurring dreams the focus on two monuments. She dreams of lizardfolk (or similar creatures) dancing around a stone obelisk in the desert to the east, and these same lizard-like creatures being driven to build a pyramid in the west by laughing, humanoid creatures. Furthermore, when she had the dream last night, a voice spoke directly to her.

This voice claimed to represent powers older and more powerful than the Gods, and said that the Gods had stolen the world from them, and soon they would rise up, take back rulership of the world, and cast down the Gods and their creations. It asked for P'hla's service, and in return it would grant her great power and spare her life when the rest of the Gods' creations are destroyed. P'hla refused this offer, at which point the dream ended.

The rest of the party are unsure what to make of this, until Flossaria confirms P'hla's story by telling them that she has had the same dreams, including being spoken to by the same voice last night. Flossaria, however, asked more questions of the voice, including details such as what exactly would be expected if she served, and was told that someone would visit her to explain.

As they discuss the dreams, Sharla realizes that the description given by both P'hla and Flossaria of the stone monument in the east seems to match descriptions given to her by Tamat of the Eye of Ranorach, the monument for which Arik is searching and which led him to travel to Ember in the first place.

The party decide to report this to Arik and get his opinion on the matter - meanwhile, they double up their guard shifts for the night. With P'hla's refusal to serve the voice, they are worried that it or its servants might seek some kind of vengeance.

August 29, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Most of this day is spent travelling, with the party arriving at Viskha around evening time. Even from a distance, however, they can tell that something big is happening in the city. A great fleet of ships is gathered in the city's harbour, and Zedlyn recognizes them as Viskhan military ships. They approach the ferry that should take them across the river to the city, finding it is much more crowded than usual. When they ask a bystander, he tells them that the flood season is upon Ember, and Viskha is preparing to resume its war with Cappadarnia.

Eventually, they get a spot on the ferry and arrive at Viskha. The city itself is very busy with the bustle of soldiers and other military staff, but they make their way through and head to Iskander's mansion. They present him the symbol of Kord, which he is happy to receive, and he holds up to his end of the bargain by giving them the Ring of Fire Resistance that will allow Arik to function normally in the desert heat.

Arik tells them that he has spent his time with Iskander perusing his considerable library of religious texts, and has uncovered an ancient text that seems to relate to the Eye of Ranorach ( They also question Iskander about if he knows any unusual creation myths, or myths about something greater than the Gods. The only such story that Iskander knows is the story of MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI, said by some to be the creator of the universe. He is said to be sleeping, and the Gods are his dreams, and the worlds are the playthings of the Gods. This doesn't quite match what P'hla and Flossaria were told in their dreams, but MANA does appear in the text that Arik uncovered. While speaking to Iskander, they also learn that there will be a royal procession the next day that he will be attending, in which the queen herself will be leaving the city and heading off to war.

While the rest of the party are discussing these myths and texts, Adokas heads off to find Lieutenant Hadia at the police station and check in. When he speaks to her, she tells him that she actually has a message for him and the rest of the group - several days ago, their presence was requested at the Viskhan Palace, and she was asked to bring them as soon as possible. When Adokas asks if there has been any progress in tracking down the cult of the half-closed eye, she tells them that there has, but she has been forbidden to speak of it by royal order. She believes that this order and the meeting at the palace are related. Adokas agrees to gather the rest of the party and meet at the palace gates one hour after sunrise on the next day.

Adokas returns to Iskander's home and relays Hadia's message, then the party disperse to rest for the night. Zedlyn stays at a local brothel, Adokas at a nearby inn, Iriellis and P'hla at the Temple of Slid (Iriellis uses her influence get P'hla admitted for the night), and Sharla at the Temple of Kib (using her knowledge of the Gods and her possession of a valuable golden holy symmbol of Kib to convince them that she is a pilgrim of sorts). Flossaria asks Arik to join her at the Temple of Mung.

At the temple, Flossaria shares with Arik the details of her dream, as she did with the rest of the party the previous night. Arik agrees that trying to visit the monuments that she saw in her dreams would be a good idea, except that they have no real idea where they are, beyond "east" and "west". There's little more than mile after mile of desert in both those directions, so attempting an expedition without more information would be folly. Flossaria tells him that she can still feel a faint tug to the west in her mind, which could lead them there, but Arik is unconvinced.

That night, Flossaria is awoken by one of the priests of Mung, who tells her that someone is there to see her. She gets up and greets the visitor, who is a dwarf who introduces himself as Grif. Grif is middle-aged and has the appearance of a veteran, with scars and old wounds all over his skin and a pronounced limp in his walk.

Grif introduces himself as an emissary of the same entities who contacted Flossaria in her dreams, and asks her to step outside to talk with him. She does so, and they move to the alley next to the temple. There, Grif allows her to ask whatever questions she likes.

It quickly becomes apparent that Grif is somewhat unhinged, mentally. He doesn't seem to care that the Ancients (as he calls them) apparently intend to destroy all of the Gods' creations, humans and demi-humans included, and he seems to implicitly believe everything they tell him, despite having no real reason to. He demonstrates the powers that have been granted to him - a simple light spell, not impressive on its own, but he points out that it normally takes years of study for a mage to master even the simplest of spells, but he was granted it, along with much more powerful abilities, in an instant.

Already suspecting that something is seriously wrong with Grif, Flossaria tries to cast a spell to detect evil, but phrases it so that Grif thinks that she is casting a spell to evaluate his magical power. She casts the spell and finds that Grif is radiating evil power, although whether he is just naturally an evil individual or whether this is due to the influence of the Ancients is unclear.

While he doesn't answer all of her questions, Grif does impart some useful information. He tells her that he and his fellow cultists have mostly been occupied digging up ancient artifacts and uncovering ancient lore, as directed by the voices in their heads. He informs her that P'hla's refusal to serve is known, and that she has been "marked" for it. Finally, he tells her that the Ancients can see into her dreams, and therefore can find out anything she knows.

With Flossaria remaining hesitant and unwilling to commit to serving the Ancients, Grif decides to depart and give her time to think. He warns her not to tell anyone about the cult, and to make up her mind quickly.

Re-entering the temple, Flossaria warns the guards to be extra vigilant before returning to sleep for the rest of the night.

August 30, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The next morning, the party gather at the palace gates and meet Hadia for their meeting. Taking a moment to talk amongst themselves, Flossaria shares what she can of her encounter from the previous night - specifically, she warns P'hla that she has been marked by the cult, and warns everyone else that apparently the Ancients can see into her dreams. They consider going to the College of Mages to see if there is a spell that can prevent her from dreaming, although such an expedition will have to wait until after their meeting.

A guard lets the party into the palace complex, and they are led to a smaller building near the main palace. They are escorted to the office of a royal official, who introduces himself as Ayal, advisor to Queen Ilthai's chief vizier, and explains his interest in the group. He tells them that the palace has recently become aware of the cultists of the half-closed eye (though he explicitly avoids saying how), and that they are interested in dealing with the cultists. However, they wish to do so in the most discreet way possible, both to avoid frightening the common people and to avoid alerting the cultists themselves. Going through the police would cause too much of a disturbance, but the party are ideal candidates for this task, as they are already involved anyway, and they can investigate in an unofficial capacity.

Ayal offers the party 2000 gold pieces if they kill either kill or drive out the cultists without causing an undue disturbance. They have tracked the cultists to a specific building within the South Yannreach, and estimate that there are at most a dozen individuals hiding within. Zedlyn haggles Ayal up to 3000 gold pieces, and they request that he send a message to the College of Mages requesting their aid. Ayal agrees to these terms and the party accept the mission. He gives them the location of the cultists' building.

Leaving the palace area, the party split into four groups, in anticipation of the royal procession in a few hours. Iriellis returns to the Temple of Kib and spends the time praying; Flossaria and P'hla head to the College of Mages, Zedlyn and Adokas go to investigate the cultists' building, and Sharla and Arik head back to Iskander's mansion to research in his library.

At the College of Mages, Flossaria and P'hla discover first-hand that one must either be a member of the College or the invitee of a member; Ayal's message has not yet arrived, and the battlemage guard doesn't let them in. They do at least convince him to pass a message on to the mages inside, asking if they know any spells to prevent someone from dreaming. They decide to return later, once Ayal's message has arrived.

Zedlyn and Adokas check out the building where the cultists are hiding - an ordinary, somewhat rundown residential building in the South Yannreach. Asking around the area, they find a room for rent in a building across the street, with an excellent view of the cultists' hideout. They rent the room for a week, making sure to pay the landlord a bit extra in exchange for his silence. Zedlyn gets to work furnishing the room with curtains and furniture, while Adokas continues to scout out the area.

Finally, Sharla and Arik spend their time in Iskander's mansion, searching for old maps or other texts that mention pyramids to the west. While Sharla is more scholarly, Arik has spent the last few weeks cooped up in the mansion so he is familiar with the library. In the few hours they have, they are not able to make any substantial discoveries.

As mid-afternoon approaches, Iskander kicks Sharla and Arik out of his mansion, because he and his wife must leave to participate in the royal procession. The rest of the party head out and gather together to watch the procession as well.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Eye in the Waste

There lie seven deserts beyond Bodrahan, which is the city of the caravans' end. None goeth beyond. In the first desert lie the tracks of mighty travellers outward from Bodrahan, and some returning. And in the second lie only outward tracks, and none return.

The third is a desert untrodden by the feet of men.

The fourth is the desert of sand, and the fifth is the desert of dust, and the sixth is the desert of stones, and the seventh is the Desert of Deserts.

In the midst of the last of the deserts that lie beyond Bodrahan, in the centre of the Desert of Deserts, standeth the image that hath been hewn of old out of the living hill whose name is Ranorada—the eye in the waste.

About the base of Ranorada is carved in mystic letters that are vaster than the beds of streams these words:

To the god who knows.

Now, beyond the second desert are no tracks, and there is no water in all the seven deserts that lie beyond Bodrahan. Therefore came no man thither to hew that statue from the living hills, and Ranorada was wrought by the hands of gods. Men tell in Bodrahan, where the caravans end and all the drivers of the camels rest, how once the gods hewed Ranorada from the living hill, hammering all night long beyond the deserts. Moreover, they say that Ranorada is carved in the likeness of the god Hoodrazai, who hath found the secret of MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI, and knoweth the wherefore of the making of the gods.

They say that Hoodrazai stands all alone in Pegana and speaks to none because he knows what is hidden from the gods.

Therefore the gods have made his image in a lonely land as one who thinks and is silent—the eye in the waste.

They say that Hoodrazai had heard the murmers of MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI as he muttered to himself, and gleaned the meaning, and knew; and that he was the god of mirth and of abundant joy, but became from the moment of his knowing a mirthless god, even as his image, which regards the deserts beyond the track of man.

But the camel drivers, as they sit and listen to the tales of the old men in the market-place of Bodrahan, at evening, while the camels rest, say:

"If Hoodrazai is so very wise and yet is sad, let us drink wine, and banish wisdom to the wastes that lie beyond Bodrahan." Therefore is there feasting and laughter all night long in the city where the caravans end.

All this the camel drivers tell when the caravans come in from Bodrahan; but who shall credit tales that camel drivers have heard from aged men in so remote a city?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Session 22: The Fist of Kord, Part 10

August 25, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The party stop and listen for any sign of the harpies, but they don't hear anything, so they decide to secure the area before continuing on. Zedlyn loots the javelins from the dead lizardfolk and the entire party search the room that's beyond the ledge. The room appears to be the harpies' nest. The edges of the cave are covered in nesting made from rubble and vegetation, and the center of the room is dominated by a fire pit. Scattered over the floor are humanoid bones and the remains of clothing and gear.

A thorough search of the room reveals a large, iron-banded chest, (poorly) concealed inside the nesting; however, it is locked. P'hla is able to detect the presence of magic radiating from inside. None of the party are skilled in lockpicking, and they have no tools better than a dagger or a file. They attempt to pick the lock anyway, but are unsuccessful. They consider smashing the chest open, but in the end they decide to bring it back to Barar to find a locksmith. They leave the heavy chest behind for now.

The room also has a passage leading to the east, which the party follow and arrive at another small cavern, containing what appears to be a crude altar against the north wall, manacles shackled to the northern and southern walls, and a passageway continuing to the east. The altar is a bloodstained stone block, with a pouch lying atop it. Iriellis takes the pouch (while the rest of the party backs off for safety), but it turns out to be empty and there is nothing below it. A quick search of the room reveals a few gold pieces scattered around the floor, but nothing else.

The passage to the east slopes downwards, and after about fifty feet it also branches to the south. This southern branch continues for twenty more feet before ending in a large, flooded chamber, which the party don't explode immediately. Instead, they continue down the eastern passage.

The eastern passage continues for another fifty or so feet before levelling out and joining with another, larger passage coming from the southwest. Glancing down the southwest passage, the party see several features of note. The passage goes for thirty feet before hitting water, and right before the water are three crude clay huts. Against the southeastern wall, about ten feet above the ground, is a opening in the wall.

The party cautiously approach the huts, surmising that this must be where the lizardfolk live. However, their caution appears to be unnecessary, as the huts seem to be empty of both inhabitants and valuables.

Leaving the water alone for now, the party return to the eastern passage, which starts sloping upwards as they follow it. It winds onwards for a few hundred feet, and after turning a bend, they spot sunlight up ahead! The total length of the passage turns out to be 700 feet, and at the end the slope is steep enough to cause some difficulty in climbing it. It emerges onto a steep hillside, about twenty feet above ground level.

Returning to the cave, the party decide to investigate the two collapsed passages that they discovered several days before. They spend the next several hours digging and clearing rubble, only to come to the realization that the collapses are complete, and there is nothing beyond the rubble.

At the this point, it is getting fairly late in the day, so they decide to extract the treasure chest from the harpies' nest and return to Barar. Rather than try to cross the narrow ledge with the heavy chest, they instead haul it up the new exit that they had just discovered. Emerging at the hillside, they slide it down using rope, while Iriellis guides it past obstacles. They return to Barar on horseback, with Tamat going back to the nearby Druid circle.

August 26, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The next morning, the party head to the town locksmith, who charges them ten gold pieces to crack the lock after they convince him that they are adventurers who found the chest (rather than thieves who stole it). Several party members stay behind to keep an eye on the process while the rest spend the time relaxing about town.

Several hours pass and the locksmith is successful is cracking open the chest. Inside are several thousand silver pieces, several valuable pieces of jewelry, and a pair or sturdy, enchanted gloves. They distribute the silver and spend several hours selling the jewelry around town, netting themselves over a thousand gold pieces total. P'hla identifies the gauntlets as Gauntlets of Ogre Power, which, true to their name, give the wearer the strength of an ogre. Zedlyn and Adokas both want the gloves - Zedlyn, because he is the party's main front-line fighter, and Adokas because he is naturally weaker than Zedlyn so he will receive a larger boost from the gloves. In the end, the gloves go to Adokas.

By the time all of these tasks are completed, it's already mid-afternoon, meaning that it would be evening by the time they reached the caves if they left now. So, the party instead decide to spend the night in Barar and set out the next morning.

August 27, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The next day, the party arrive at the cave and immediately get to searching for the harpies, since they may have returned since the party was last there. The check all of the areas around the harpy lair, but they are not present. They conclude that the harpies must have fled.

They move on to the ledge that they spotted near the lizardfolk huts. They climb the ledge using the Rope of Climbing, and it leads to a short passageway leading the a small cavern containing a pool a water at the far end. Apart from the pool, the cavern is empty. Iriellis wades into the pool (which is only about one foot deep) and spots a gold ring at the bottom. It is not enchanted, but she pockets it anyway.

At this point, as far as anyone knows, the only spots left to search are the two large pools of water - the one near the lizardfolk huts and the one that several of them fell into while fighting the lizardfolk. Adokas starts from the huts and swims into the pool, trying to explore it as thoroughly as possible. He finds an underground passage that connects this pool with the other. Further, he finds a leather sack at the bottom of the pool, and drags it out for the party to inspect. Inside the sack are several hundred gold pieces, three rubies, and, most importantly, a golden symbol of a fist. It's the holy symbol of Kord, the object of their quest.

Though they now have what they need from the cave, they agree to help Tamat finish searching the area for the harpies. Adokas explores the other pool of water but finds nothing of interest, while the rest of the party collect the thumbs from the dead lizardfolk, so they can prove to the head merchant of Barar that the threat is dealt with. This completes their exploration of the caves, but they agree to help Tamat explore the nearby hills more thoroughly, in case the harpies are nearby.

They spent the rest of the day exploring the hills, with no success in finding the harpies. They conclude that they must have fled far away. In this case, they are likely no longer a threat to the area, so Tamat is satisfied.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Session 21: The Fist of Kord, Part 9

August 23, Year 3488 (SE 118)

As the party prepare their weapons, the two shapes emerge from the murky water and reveal themselves to be two giant toads - either the same ones that party avoided earlier, or two more of the same type. The party get the drop on them and attack. Warned that the toads are large enough to swallow halflings or gnomes whole, the smaller members of the party attack with ranged weapons and retreat around the corner after attacking. The first toad is struck by several sling bullets and a javelin, and Flossaria moves up and finishes it with her sword before it even has a chance to attack. With the smaller party members safely around the corner, the second toad lashes out at Flossaria with its tongue. It grabs her and pulls her into its mouth, and Flossaria immediately falls into convulsions, evidently from sort sort of poison. As the toad attempts to choke her down into its gullet, P'hla unleashes a Sleep spell, which takes both the toad and Flossaria, allowing the rest of the party to easily finish the creature off and extract her from its mouth.

Iriellis takes the Rope of Climbing and swims through the passage, confirming that the other end emerges into the room where they first saw the giant toads. Adokas searches the remains of the toads, hoping to identify and preserve whatever gland produced the poison, but is unsuccessful. Checking up on Flossaria, Tamat identifies the poison from the toad as a contact poison that will cause periodic convulsions, which will intensify over the next few days, potentially leading to death within the week. The party opt not to continue with Flossaria in this state, instead retreating from the dungeon in order to find help for her.

Tamat takes her to his Druidic circle and begins searching from the herbs and ingredients he'll need to make a salve that should help against the poison. Adokas comes with him, hoping that his knowledge of poisons will allow him to help. The rest of the party return to Barar and ask around town. Unfortunately, the town herbalist has none of the ingredients that Tamat requires, and none of the clerics in town are powerful enough to deal with the poison magically. The party decide to give Tamat time to create his remedy, and if he isn't successful, they'll evaluate whether they need to return to Viskha.

August 24, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Having had no success during the previous day, Tamat and Adokas continue their efforts, while the rest of the party rest up in town. Eventually, by the end of the day, Tamat announces that his salves are having the desired effect, and the poison is in remission. By the next day, Flossaria should be back to full health and ready to continue adventuring.

August 25, Year 3488 (SE 118)

The next morning, the party purchase some additional pickaxes to help them break through the rubble that they encountered in their last expedition to the caves. They return to the dungeon, make their way to the blocked passage, and begin clearing a path through it. The process is long and noisy; it takes about 40 minutes for them to clear a path that's large enough to allow them to continue, and in the process they create enough noise to surely alert any creatures that are beyond.

Past the rubble is the ledge running over a pool of water that Adokas had previously attempted. The party prepare to cross. P'hla casts a Light spell on the Rope of Climbing and Flossaria takes the lead, using the rope to light the way ahead of her. She is followed by Tamat, then Zedlyn and Sharla, who are tied together in case Sharla falls, then P'hla, Adokas, and Iriellis. As they cross, they hear the same siren song as before, coming from further down the ledge. Sharla and Iriellis both sing in an attempt to drown out the hypnotic song, and they are successful - the party are able to resist its effects. They continue making their way along the ledge.

Soon, however, disaster strikes - simultaneously, both Zedlyn and Sharla slip and fall! Zedlyn tries to grab the ledge as he falls, but he's tied to Sharla, and her weight sends him falling down. The rest of the party immediately throw down ropes; Flossaria and Tamat hold the Rope of Climbing, while P'hla, Adokas and Iriellis throw down a non-magical rope. Despite his heavy armor, Zedlyn manages to keep himself above the water and grab the ropes, but Sharla is drowning below him. To make matters worse, a trio of javelin-wielding lizardfolk appear at the far end of the ledge and attack Flossaria!

Just as the rest of the party start having some success in lifting Zedlyn and Sharla out of the water, Flossaria is struck by a javelin, loses her balance, and goes tumbling in as well. Tamat manages to hold on to the Rope of Climbing, while P'hla and Adokas leave Iriellis with the other rope and move to engage the lizardfolk. P'hla casts a Sleep spell at them and all three go down, as Adokas moves in to finish them off. At the point, Zedlyn has climbed back up on top of the ledge, so Tamat puts down his rope and goes to help Adokas, and Iriellis drops her rope to heal Zedlyn. Flossaria, meanwhile, manages to overcome the weight of her armour and swim to the cavern wall, where she can safely hold on the side.

As Adokas and Tamat move to kill the sleeping lizardfolk, they reach the end of the ledge, which leads to a larger, open area. Waiting for them are three more lizardfolk. Tamat charges them while Adokas stays behind to kill their sleeping companions. However, in the three-against-one fight, Tamat is struck several times and is badly wounded. P'hla and Iriellis both make their way across the ledge and move in to help, while Zedlyn pulls Sharla up then tosses the Rope of Climbing to Flossaria.

P'hla unleashes a second Sleep spell at this next group of lizardfolk, which drops two of the three, while Adokas strikes the third with a stunning blow, and Iriellis heals Tamat with her divine magic. Tamat finshes off the stunned creature with his sword, just as Zedlyn finishes lifting Flossaria back up to the ledge. Zedlyn and Flossaria then make their way to the rest of the party. They are now all past the ledge, and the six lizardfolk that attacked them are dead - but they know the harpy is still somewhere further into the cave.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Session 20: The Fist of Kord, Part 8

August 21, Year 3488 (SE 118)

After resting the night at an inn, the party awaken and plan their day. Zedlyn and Flossaria decide to go visit Iskander and Arik to report their progress, while the rest of the group go to see Hadia to report their findings about the lizardfolk.

Zedlyn and Flossaria arrive at Iskander's mansion and are greeted by Iluva, Iskander's wife, an elven woman. She calls Iskander and Arik for them, and they report their progress. Iskander is annoyed that they haven't actually retrieved the holy symbol of Kord yet, but grudgingly admits that, yes, at least they know where it is and are still working towards it. Arik encourages them to hurry, as he's getting tired of being cooped up in Iskander's home, not working towards his goal.

The rest of the party go to the Viskhan police station to speak with Lieutenant Hadia. She's not in when they arrive, so they're forced to wait an hour or two until she returns from her rounds. During this wait, Zedlyn and Flossaria arrive at the police station as well. When Hadia returns, she takes them to her office and they report in. They tell her that they've found where the lizardfolk live, but she replies that, since her jurisdiction is limited to the city, she can't help. She suggests they speak with the army, but also warns them that the flooding season is coming soon, so the army is very busy with preparations for the war with Cappadarnia to continue and may not be available to help them. For her part, Viskha has not had much success investigating into the lizardfolk's contact in Viskha; apparently, the gang has doubled down after they caught Adokas following them, and many of the merchants he identified have gone missing.

Next, the party ask Hadia to take them to the captive cultist who was carrying the same holy symbol that they found in the Temple of the Iron God. She does so, bringing them to the nearby prison and leading them, and the prisoner, to an interrogation room. The prisoner turns out to be an extremely nondescript, average looking man. They attempt to use magic to get him to confess - first, Flossaria magically compels him to "remember" his connection to the holy symbol; when he says that he cannot, despite the magical compulsion, she tries forcing him to "confess" whether he's lying. But either the magic doesn't work or he really isn't lying, as the prisoner continues to maintain that he knows nothing about the symbol.

Sharla tries next. Asking everyone to leave the room (except Hadia, who must be there to oversee the process), she uses a spell to hypnotize the prisoner. She pulls out the party's copy of the holy symbol and tries to convince him, while under hypnosis, that she is a fellow member of the cult, so he can safely talk to her. This doesn't work either; while he seems to believe the hypnotic suggestions, he angrily explains that he remembers nothing; there's a blank spot in his memory between leaving his home village years ago for Viskha, and standing at a murder scene being taken away by the guards.

Unable to do anything else with the prisoner, the party give up. They decide not to bother with the army's help, and set out immediately for Barar; travelling on horseback for the rest of the day.

August 22, Year 3488 (SE 118)

Most of this day is spent travelling; they take a few short breaks for P'hla to identify the magical items that they previously found in the caves - a sword, a wand, and a rope. The sword turns out to be a magical longsword that is enchanted to be particularly deadly to the undead, which Flossaria takes. The wand is a wand of paralysis, containing a number of charges that will completely paralyse the target when used. They give it to P'hla. Finally, the rope is a Rope of Climbing, which Zedlyn takes, to be used by the party as a whole.

No longer slowed by caravan wagons or injured party members, the party arrive at Barar by the end of the day. Jalessa returns to the Temple of Kib, while the rest of the party find an inn and rest for the night.

August 23, Year 3488 (SE 118)

In the morning, the party do a bit of shopping before heading out, purchasing a rope ladder to help them handle the many chasms and cliffs in the cave to the north, along with some iron pitons. They then head out for the caves, which takes them about an hour.

Back at the caves, nothing much seems to have changed since they left, and they decide to return to the ledge where they fought the harpies. They use the rope ladder, secured with the pitons, to descend down the fifty-foot chasm, leaving it behind in case it's needed for a quick escape. At the bottom of the cliff, two things have changed. First, the dead carrion crawler has continued to decompose; the horrible smell nauseates P'hla and Flossaria, though the rest of the party manage to resist. Second, the rubble that was blocking the eastern passage has been moved; it's now blocking the western passage instead.

They decide to leave the rubble undisturbed for now, and explore the eastern passage. It leads to a narrow passageway that slopes upwards, then turns to the south. To the south, it continues forwards and upwards before curving to the west. At several points, branches in the passage lead to caved-in dead ends. Sharla and Zedlyn use their gnomish knowledge to attempt to identify whether the cave-ins are natural or artificial; they find no evidence of artificial tampering. Returning to the fifty-foot cliff, they decide to check the cave-in there as well, finding that it, unlike the others, appears to be artificial - there are marks from tools on the walls and ceiling.

Back in the passage, Iriellis searches for tracks and finds that the tunnel has been traversed by others, as recently as a few days ago. The tracks appear to be made by clawed, rather than bare or booted, feet, but neither she nor Tamat can identify exactly what they are.

At the end of the passage, where it curves to the west, it descends into a pool of water and continues underwater. The group decide to send the Robe of Climbing, with a Light spell cast on it, snaking ahead into the water. The water is murky, and within twenty feet all they can see if a muffled point of light. Suddenly, something grabs the rope at the other end and pulls hard. Zedlyn and Flossaria, who are holding it, manage to hold on, and the scream for everyone else to come help. P'hla, still nauseated from the decomposing carrion crawler, stays back, but everyone else grabs the rope and pulls. With a mighty effort, they tear the rope away from whatever was holding it, pulling it back out of the water. Aware that they're disturbed something in or beyond the water, they draw their weapons, as two indistinct shapes move towards them from the water...