Played by Annie
Str 11 Dex 9 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 17
HP 4 AC 9 Prime Attributes Intelligence, Charisma
Height 5' 4" Weight 120 lbs Age 25 years
Racial Abilities Empathy, Move Silently, Spot Hidden Doors, Secondary Attribute (Dexterity), Spell Resistance
Spells Detect magic, light, open/close, message, charm person, identify, sleep
Equipment Spellbook, sling, 10 stones, staff, dagger, backpack, bedroll, 5 candles, canteen, metal file, ink, small steel mirror, 20 pieces of parchment, quill, rope (50 feet), sealing wax, sewing kit, 3 vials, whistle
Biography P'hla was a wizard that had a lot of ambition, and she was studying her craft at a nearby magic school. It was like a boarding school. She had been looking for an amulet of great power and it was her goal in life to attain it. She had been studying hard to find ways to locate this amulet and a means to get to it when she stumbled upon a book that made portals. While she was trying things out, she accidentally made a portal that teleported her to a mirage oasis in the middle of a desert. Shortly after, the oasis disappeared and without the book, she was unable to find a way back. Luckily she had managed to walk to the nearest city which happened to be Viskha.
Now she's trying to find people who can help her find out where she is in regards to where she came from. This entire area is completely unknown to her, but she's hoping that she can somehow find ways and people who can help her ultimately find the amulet.
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