Lawful Good Female Human Fighter / Cleric, Level 1 / 1
Played by Jenn
Str 17 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 15 Cha 13
HP 11 AC 17 Prime Attributes Strength, Wisdom, Charisma
Height 5' 4" Weight ? Age 15
Class Abilities Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword), Turn Undead
Equipment Bastard sword, small wooden shield, studded leather armor, bedroll, bottle, metal file, gord, wooden holy symbol, sewing kit, 10 torches, wolvesbane, hemp rope, large sack
Description She's rather average looking with no real distinguishing features except for being more physically fit than the other girls in her town. She's of average human height with light brown eyes and medium brown hair. Her clothes are practical for the weather and any expected fighting she might have to do in the name of Mung. The only note worthy thing about her appearance is the necklace she wears. It is a pendant of a silver swan holding a light blue stone. It used to belong to her mother.
She makes up for her average looks with her outstanding personality and fighting skills. She's bossy and opinionated so it is quite difficult for others to dissuade her from her plans. Her stubbornness makes her try to convince others to go with her ideas (but as she is quite intelligent her plans probably are the way to go :p ).
Although she has spent the last 7 years in the small town of Asuna, she has not led a sedentary life. Her grandmother raised her with the teachings of Mung. Being quite pious, Flossaria decided that she would honour Mung by returning the undead to their more natural state of just plain dead. She has been building her physique for a few years in preparation for the day that she would encounter the undead.
Biography She meets the party in Asuna where she has been living with her grandmother for the last few years. She is originally from Imaut. Although Asuna consists mostly of followers of the iron god, Flossie is a cleric of the god Mung. Most townsfolk accept this as just part of her previous life in another town. For the past year, she has been honing her healing skills with the town's local healer, hoping that one day she could put her skills to use in the name of Mung.
Her grandmother passed away just before the strange happenings with the iron temple. Flossie spent time grieving and trying to figure out what to do with her life. When she heard the rumours about the undead in the iron temple, she knew it was her duty to lay those poor people to their final rest in the name of Mung.
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